Life of Plants: Dialogue Sessions at VU ART SCIENCE Gallery

Please join us for a series of dialogue sessions at the VU ART SCIENCE gallery on the exhibition Life of Plants. These sessions will be moderated by our EHC board members.

In collaboration with the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute and Environmental Humanities Center, the VU ART SCIENCE gallery has invited scientists to take part in a moderated dialogue with the artists exhibited in Life of Plants. The ART SCIENCE Dialogues explore the multifaceted relationship between humans and plants. The talks will encompass various dimensions such as the therapeutic aspects of plants, their role in shaping landscapes and identities, the impact of categorization and colonial exploitation on nature, and the intersection of technology with the botanical world. As a whole, the dialogues investigate how we can create a more sustainable future by gaining a deeper understanding of both our local environment and the life of plants all together.

Click here for more information about the exhibition:

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