Microplastics Event: Invisible Invaders, 14 June

Microplastics are everywhere. Particles of plastic less than five millimeters in length (about the size of a sesame seed) find their way into the environment from many sources. These plastics are essentially indestructible; they do not biodegrade but break down into ever smaller pieces. At this interdisciplinary event, we explore microplastics from multiple angles.

EHC Podcast: Waste

This podcast by student board members Julia Kantelberg and Germaine van der Sanden explores the topic of waste from the perspective of a scientist, a design critic and an architect. Alice Twemlow: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice Twemlow is a design curator, educator, event organiser and writer. She is co-head of the MA in Design Curating & Writing... Continue Reading →

Workshop smARTcities and Waste Network

Techno-Scientific Innovation and Waste Opportunities and Consequences Van Eyck Institute, Maastricht 9th December 2016, 9.30-5pm The theme of the Maastricht workshop is Techno-Scientific Innovation and Waste; Opportunities and Consequences. This theme has developed “organically” from two main sources: The local context of Maastricht, particularly in relation to the post-industrial status of Maastricht and the legacy... Continue Reading →

Dutch Sustainability Day

Today is 'Dag van de Duurzaamheid', a day devoted to Sustainability in The Netherlands. Initiated by Urgenda, the day is intended as a showcase for sustainability initiatives. Check the website for activities across the country, such as the Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week or garbage men and women visiting schools to read stories to children about... Continue Reading →

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