Artistic performance about basking shark hunting

This Saturday, 29 October, former EHC board member Sadie Hale and former UvA student and artist Miriam Sentler will collaborate in a performance at Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam. The performance takes as its subject the elusive basking shark, a large shark that migrates to the waters around the Hebrides in Scotland each summer.

TAKING CARE: Re|Creating Kinship in the Ethnographic Museum

As part of the international collaborative research project TAKING CARE - Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care, the Research Center for Material Culture is hosting a conference titled "TAKING CARE: Re|Creating Kinship in the Ethnographic Museum in Europe." The project involves a set of speculative inquiries into the ways in which ethnographic and world cultures museums, their histories and their collections, can be refashioned to address the growing precarity of our planet and the plurality of our human and non-human world.

Sonic Acts Biennale

The biennial international festival celebrating electronic and digital art forms returns to Amsterdam this October, bringing together the environmental humanities and contemporary art to ask how we can care for what we cannot see or understand.

Masterclass eco-literature

One of our board members, Kristine Steenbergh, will be teaching a masterclass on the role of literature in reshaping human-nature relations. The masterclass is in De Nieuwe Liefde on Sunday 30 October, and is in Dutch.

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