Summer Course: Icelandic Field Stations 2023

The Svartárkot Culture-Nature Project in collaboration with The Wright Ingraham Institute offer an interdisciplinary, immersive, place-based course intended for scholars, emerging professionals, researchers, post-graduates, master’s and doctoral students.

New book: Anglo-Saxon Literary Landscapes

Amsterdam University Press has started a book series devoted to Environmental Humanities in Pre-modern Cultures. The first book in the series is just out: Anglo-Saxon Literary Landscapes: Ecotheory and the Environmental Imagination by Heide Estes. "Literary scholars have traditionally understood landscapes, whether natural or manmade, as metaphors for humanity instead of concrete settings for people's actions.... Continue Reading →

Regarding Nature in Huis Marseille

Chrystel Lebas, Regarding Nature Huis Marseille, 10 December 2016- 5 March 2017 Chrystel Lebas revisits negatives of the British Landscape from the early twentieth century made by botanist and ecologist Sir Edward James Salisbury (1886-1978). Since Huis Marseille does not allow reproduction of text or images from their site, please visit their website to read... Continue Reading →

Landscape event (2 December)

The question how people relate to the natural and built environment is central to landscape studies as well as the environmental humanities. On 2 December, three speakers address questions such as: Can landscape offer democratic answers to the problems that face the world’s environment? How does the preservation of built heritage relate to landscape conservation?... Continue Reading →

Landscape and affect

The Dutch Society for the Protection of Birds has just coined a new term in the fight to ensure ecological diversity in Dutch meadows. The suffering brought about by the monotonous agrarian landscape to both human and non-human animals from now on goes by the name of 'landschapspijn' (landscape pain). They urge the next government... Continue Reading →

Course guide 2017-2018

In this course guide, we aim to provide an overview of courses that focus on topics related to the environmental humanities. The guide is a work in progress: would you like to include your course here, please contact We also warmly welcome course descriptions from other Dutch universities. Courses at the Faculty of Humanities... Continue Reading →

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