EHC Environmental Justice Series: Ola Hassanain on Waters. Watching Temporalities

Performance and Panel Discussion (co-sponsored by Greenhouse Stavanger) Monday 11 December, 18.00hrs Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Main Building, Church Hall (HG-16A00) Ola Hassanain’s "Tell The Water What The Clay Kept Secret" is ongoing visual research that grapples extensively with the ‘spatial’ implications of catastrophe. The work, conceptualized from an ongoing poetics of ‘space making’ interrogates sculptural abstraction and various ecologies of inhabiting.

Symposium: Sink or Swim. Searching for a sustainable relationship with water.

‘Sink or Swim’ is an interdisciplinary symposium establishing an encounter between visual art, history, philosophy, ecology and governance, seeking to provide current insights and creative inspiration for building a sustainable relationship with water. Still Waters Run Deep is an interdisciplinary programme curated by Marlies Augustijn, taking place from 26 June until 7 August 2022 at Nieuw Dakota, an exhibition space for contemporary art in Amsterdam-Noord.

Over the summer the EHC has had a joint project with the stories-on–floods project of TMY in India. On Monday Petra van Dam talks with participants of the project about their stories which have been published recently.

Water & the City Symposium, 23 March

Environmental Humanities Center Symposium Friday 23 March 2018, 14.00 – 17.00u Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Main Building, room 12A-00 For catering reasons, please register using the form below. Climate change, increasing rainfall, sea level rise, and flood risk pose significant challenges for low-lying countries such as The Netherlands. Historically, Amsterdam has devised a number of strategies... Continue Reading →

Symposium: Watermanagement before 1800 (in Dutch)

Studiemiddag: veenontginningen en waterbeheer voor 1800 Nederland is ontstaan uit het moeras, althans Laag-Nederland. We zijn begonnen als ontginners van de grote venen in de kustvlakte, en de eeuwen daarna zakten we er langzaam in weg. Daarom moesten we dijken gaan bouwen en polderbesturen oprichten. Deze studiemiddag presenteert nieuwe onderzoeksresultaten over de eerste duizend jaar van dit proces,... Continue Reading →

Course guide 2017-2018

In this course guide, we aim to provide an overview of courses that focus on topics related to the environmental humanities. The guide is a work in progress: would you like to include your course here, please contact We also warmly welcome course descriptions from other Dutch universities. Courses at the Faculty of Humanities... Continue Reading →

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